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Useful Resources for Philosophy Students
Guides to Philosophical Writing
Useful Resources for History of Philosophy
Plato's Works [Wikisource]
Aristotle's Works [Wikisource]
Stobaeus, The Online Books Page [edited by John Mark Ockerbloom]
Classical Latin Texts [A Resource Prepared by The Packard Humanities Institute]
Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum [texts by Latin Grammarians]
Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum [works of late-antique Latin Christian writers]
Augustine: Opera Omnia [Augustine's works in Latin, PL edition]
Medieval Philosophy Digital Resources [maintained by Jean-Luc Solère]
Corpus Corporum [Latin texts]
Arabic and Latin Glossary, edited by Dag Hasse
Arabic and Latin Corpus (edited by Dag Hasse, with Jon Bornholdt, Andreas Büttner & Irina Galynina)
includes texts in Arabic and Latin by Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Al-Kindi, and several others
Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum [maintained by David Camden and a Forum Romanum resource]
Albertus Magnus E-Corpus [great resource, including PDFs of the Jammy and Borgnet editions; maintained by Bruno Tremblay]
Aquinas in English & Latin [a very valuable resource, provided by the Aquinas Institute]
Corpus Thomisticum [Aquinas's works in Latin; also: bibliography, lexicon, and other resources], maintained by the Universidad de Navarra
Aquinas's Works in English & Latin, previously maintained by the Dominican House of Studies
Thomas Aquinas in English, maintained by Thérèse Bonin
New English Translation of Aquinas's Summa Theologiae, by Alfred Freddoso
Provisionalia: Index Librorum Scholasticorum [a valuable collection of scholastic texts maintained by Robert Pasnau]
Scholarly Resources [a valuable collection of Latin philosophical texts maintained by Peter King]
Henry of Ghent [excellent resources on Henry of Ghent, including his works, manuscripts, and a bibliography maintained by Scott Williams]
The Peter Auriol Homepage (maintained by Russell Friedman & Florian Wöller) [excellent resources with numerous works by Peter Auriol]
Peter Auriol, The Electronic Scriptum [from the above website]
Duns Scotus bibliography (maintained by Tobias Hoffman)
Francisco Suárez [Suarez's works in Latin and in translation, maintained by Synder Penner (this excellent site also provides links to the works of other scholastic philosophers)]
Corpus Descartes [a collection of many of Descartes' texts]
David Hume [a collection of Hume's texts and some additional resources], maintained by Amyas Merivale and Peter Millican
Modern Philosophy [a collection of translations, from Galileo to Kant maintained by David Banach]
Early Modern Texts [a valuable collection of Early Modern texts, adapted for accessibility; useful for students maintained by Jonathan Bennet]
Writings of C. D. Broad [a valuable bibliography]
C.D. Broad: a bibliography [a valuable collection with links to many of Broad's writings, maintained by Pablo Stafforini]
Papers by David K. Lewis [a resource maintained by Andrew M. Bailey]
Papers by David Kaplan [a resouce maintained by Andrew M. Bailey]