Photo © by Onur Peştimalcıoğlu

Photo © Onur Peştimalcıoğlu

I am an ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona

Before coming to Barcelona, I was Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen. I have also been Nelson Distinguished Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  I obtained my PhD at the University of Cambridge and was then a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Oxford. 

My major research interests are ancient and medieval philosophy, philosophy of language and logic, metaphysics and epistemology. My work has appeared in journals such as the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Mind, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, The Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophers' Imprint, Phronesis, and Synthese

From January 2023, I am leading a research project, Truth in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, funded by the European Research Council.